Periods and IBD

Periods and IBD Guess what time it is!  It is that time of the month – we are discussing periods and IBD! Scientifically speaking, the important topic of periods and IBD has been largely unstudied.  There have been a few prospective studies done that have shown some interesting results. It has been reported that 40% […]

What Does IBD Pain Feel Like?

What Does IBD Pain Feel Like? Up to 60% of IBD patients experience chronic abdominal pain which impacts their daily life.   If you have IBD, you have likely experienced this pain.  But exactly what does IBD pain feel like?  Are there pain symptoms we all share?  And what type of pain can be expected if […]

3 Tips for Managing Weddings and IBD

  3 Tips for Managing Weddings and IBD   It is wedding season here in Canada!  I have attended 3 weddings over the past 3 months. I have worked out a few tips and tricks to share with you on how to best manage weddings and IBD. Here are 3 things I have learnt,   […]

4 Helpful Tips for Staying in Pune, India

  4 Helpful Tips for Staying in Pune, India   In 2022 I traveled to Pune, India where I was healed from a complex stage 5 fistula. I know first hand that traveling to a new country for medical reasons is overwhelming. Especially when you are already unwell.   I have spent more than 4 […]

Alternative Medical Practitioners for IBD

  Alternative Medical Practitioners for IBD Alternative medical practitioners (AMP) for IBD are extensive and varied. They can help you feel supported, teach you alternative practices. And map out a healing plan that works for you. There are a range of benefits of seeing an AMP, and there are a wide range of alternative medical […]

3 Healing Book Recommendations

3 Healing Book Recommendations Do you want to know the best way to be inspired on healing IBD? Reading! There are so many amazing books out there on the topic of self healing. This is part two in a series where I share some of my favourite book recommendations.  These books have inspired me, healed […]

My Healing Plan

  My Healing Plan   This a personal one. I am going to share with you something that changed the way I heal my body. A tactic that has helped me stay focused. And reduced the feeling over overwhelm that often comes with healing a chronic disease.   I am going to share with you […]

Health Update: July 17th 2023

Health Update: July 17th 2023 This is going to be a bit of a different type of post. I have not posted anything the past three Mondays. Which is the first time I have missed any scheduled posts since I started this blog last November. The truth is that I have been very unwell. These […]

What Harms Helminths?

What Harms Helminths? There are a few foods, medications, and natural remedies that harms helminths. This week we are going to look into some items that could potentially harm, stun or kill your colony. And set back your treatment,   The helminth Wiki page has an amazing, and comprehensive list of items that harms helminths […]

18 Weeks into Helminth Therapy

18 Weeks into Helminth Therapy I am now 18 weeks into helminthic therapy for Crohn’s disease. I first dosed NAs in February this year. Unfortunately I have not seen much consistent improvement to my IBD symptoms. To read my updates from  week 6, week 12,  and how I prepared for helminth therapy, click on the […]

Self Advocacy and IBD

Self Advocacy and IBD Being an active participant in your own health care means being a confident self advocate. Let’s look into self advocacy and IBD. How self advocacy affects our ability to heal. And how we can get better at it. Click here to read my #1 piece of advice for how to self advocate […]

My #1 Piece of Advice on How to Advocate for Yourself with Your Doctor

How to Advocate for Yourself with Your Doctor   Doctor’s appointments can be intimidating. There is often a lot riding on the test results, and care provided to us by our health care team. So how can you advocate for yourself with your doctor? How can you make sure that your voice is heard? And […]

4 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Diagnosed with IBD

4 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Diagnosed with IBD I have had symptoms of IBD since 2010.  I have experienced so many ups and downs with this disease.  And I have learnt a lot.  Here are 4 things I wish I knew when I was diagnosed with IBD 13 years ago. We […]

Twelve Weeks into Helminth Therapy

Twelve Weeks into Helminth Therapy On February 1st I decided to try a new alternative IBD therapy.  It has now been 12 weeks since I started helminth therapy, and I am excited to share my results with you. If you want to learn more about what helminth therapy is, and how it works, click here. […]

Seven Weeks Into Helminth Therapy

Seven Weeks Into Helminth Therapy   On February 1st I decided to try a new alternative IBD therapy. It has now been 7 weeks since I started helminth therapy, and I am excited to share my results with you.   If you want to learn more about what helminth therapy is, and how it works, […]

Loneliness and IBD

 Loneliness and IBD   Having a chronic disease like IBD can be extremely isolating. Symptoms, fear, and embarrassment may make us feel excluded from some social interactions. Unfortunately loneliness and IBD often go hand and hand.   I have personally experienced loneliness that can be attributed to having IBD. Over the years, I believe that […]

Useful Visualizations for IBD

Useful Visualizations for IBD Do you want to know some specific visualizations that may help you manage your IBD symptoms?  I have collected a few visualizations here to share with you, each of these has helped me along my journey. This is part of a two part series on using visualizations to manage IBD.  To […]

Visualizations and IBD

Visualizations and IBD Visualization and IBD can be a powerful tool in your toolkit for managing IBD.  It can be difficult in our busy lives to find time for visualization.  But I can tell you first hand that it has been a useful tool for me.  I have used it to digest meals more easily, […]

Food Additive Loopholes

Food Additive Loopholes If you are an educated consumer, you will probably be reading the food labels of every item that you consume.  Unfortunately this may not be enough, as there are some food additive loopholes that may allow some hidden nasties to end up on your plate. What Are Food Additives? Food additives are […]

IBD and Dehydration

  IBD and Dehydration Our bodies are made up of mostly water, it is essential for all life.  Becoming dehydrated is a concern for everyone, but if you have IBD, your risk of dehydration may be higher.  This can be due to a few factors. To better understand IBD and dehydration we will discuss My […]

IBD Book Recommendations

IBD Book Recommendations Want to know the best way to be inspired on healing IBD?  Reading!  There are so many amazing books out there on self healing.  I am going to create a series where I recommend some of my favourite books that have inspired me.  On topics ranging from IBD diets, to energy healing. […]

What If I Get Sick Again?

What If I Get Sick Again?   If you have any chronic illness, you are sure to have wondered, what if I get sick again?  What if I do all this work, see improvements, but they do not last forever? What if the healing does not last?   Of course, it is normal to have […]

Diagnosing Crohn’s Disease: Everything You Need to Know

Diagnosing Crohn’s Disease: Everything You Need to Know Hello and welcome to the blog! We are going to share with you an overview of the process of diagnosing Crohn’s disease.  We will discuss the various diagnostic procedures used, as well as my personal experience with some of them. You will most likely need a combination […]

How To: Exercising with Crohn’s Disease

How To Guide Guide: Exercising With Crohn’s Disease Hello and welcome to the blog! This article is about exercising with Crohn’s disease. Click on one of the links to learn more about the topic. Let’s learn and heal together.   We will explain potential exercises that you may be able to do while in each stage […]

Tips for Managing an IBD Flare

Tips for Managing an IBD Flare Here are some tips for managing an IBD flare up that I have learnt over the past 10 years of dealing with IBD.  An IBD flare can be physically painful, and mentally stressful.  But there are some tips and tricks that I have found to help ease some of […]

Preparing for Helminth Therapy

Preparing for Helminth Therapy   This week I am preparing my body to start helminth therapy. I am really excited about trying this therapy. I am in another flare, after only 4 months in remission. And I am ready to try something new – and this is definitely something new!   **I want to add […]

Abscess and Fistula Story Part 4: DLPL Surgery

Abscess and Fistula Story Part 4: DLPL Surgery One of the worst things about IBD, is the complications that can arise as a result of the disease.  When you have chronic inflammation in your gut.  Strictures, abscess, and fistulas may occur. This is my story of dealing with and healing three abscesses, and a complex, […]

Look At Your Poop

Look At Your Poop Do you ever look at your poop? If you have IBD, then you should be! Monitoring your stools is a great way to gain insight into your disease. It might be a bit gross, but it can be a crucial step in gaining understanding of what is happening inside your body. […]

IBD and Rest

IBD and Rest   Rest is such an important step in healing your body.  So how do IBD and Rest interact? If you have IBD, rest is so important for your healing journey.  But is there a proper way to rest? To learn more about this topic, we will discuss   The wrong way to […]

IBD and Cannabis – Part 2: The Negatives

IBD and Cannabis – Part 2: The Negatives   Have you ever wondered if smoking weed could help you manage IBD? What are the benefits of the drug? What are the risks? I have created this two part series to take a deeper look into IBD and cannabis use.   This is part two of […]