3 Healing Book Recommendations
Do you want to know the best way to be inspired on healing IBD? Reading! There are so many amazing books out there on the topic of self healing. This is part two in a series where I share some of my favourite book recommendations. These books have inspired me, healed me, and kept me motivated.
This time we examine 3 different books about how our minds create matter, take a deep dive into a plant based diet, and read a collection of miracles.
There are so many benefits to reading including:
It is enjoyable
Reduces stress
Fights depression
Reduces cognitive decline
And most importantly: it is one of the best ways to LEARN and grow
Let’s get inspired with these book recommendations!
Book Recommendation 1: Mind to Matter
Topics: science, reality, the mind
“Thought by thought, moment by moment, our minds are creating the energy fields in which our cells reproduce. Positive thoughts provide our cells with an energy culture in which they thrive.”
-Dawson Church

Dawson Church, PhD is an award winning author with three best selling books to his name. He is the founder of one of the largest natural health websites.
If you have ever wondered if your thoughts really make a difference, this is the book recommendation for you. In fact, this well awarded book may change how you view the world entirely.
Dawson Church explains the science behind how your mind creates matter. In a clear way that is easy to understand, and captivates your attention. He discusses in detail how different thoughts produce different results, and different realities.
Mind to Matter is a powerful book, that could change how you think. And how you view healing. In it Church discusses case stories of people using their minds to heal everything from hearing loss to cancer. This book perfectly blends mysticism and science.
This is the best book I have read that compiles scientific studies on the power of the mind over reality.
It is a book that I will be rereading in the near future.
How Not to Die
Topics: diet, veganism, science
“We should all be eating fruits and vegetables like our lives depend on it. Because they do.”
-Dr. Michael Gregor

Dr. Michael Gregor is a physician, international nutrition expert, and founder of Nutritionfacts.org. In his book he writes a compelling argument for using a whole food, plant based diet to reduce the risk of many deadly diseases. And even using diet and lifestyle to reverse a wide array of common, modern diseases.
How Not to Die is an extremely well cited nutrition book that focusses on the prevention of the main causes of death in the modern world.
The book examines the top 15 causes of death in America. Dr. Gregor devotes a chapter to each disease. And discusses specific foods that can prevent, and even reverse the disease.
How Not to Die also includes Dr. Gregor’s Daily Dozen. 12 foods that Gregor recommends we consume every day. He describes in detail why each life saving food is included, portion sizes, and examples.
This book is a wealth of information, and science based facts on how we can live longer, healthier lives.
Kitchen Table Wisdom
Topics: stories, hope, miracles
“Being brave does not mean being unafraid. It often means being afraid, and doing it anyways.”
-Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen

Rachel Remen trained as a pediatrician. But is best known as an author and practitioner of integrative medicine. She has been living with Crohn’s disease for more than 50 years.
Kitchen Table Wisdom is an amazing collection of true stories. Which draw on the human tradition of shared experiences. This book highlights the reality of everyday miracles. And reminds us that the most important things in life, we cannot buy or measure.
This book is about loving, healing and living. Moving away from technology, and connecting in person. It brings you through a range of emotions. With the personal stories making you laugh one moment, and cry the next.
I hope at least one of these books has sparked your interest. There are so many people out there who have stories to share. And have had experiences that we can all learn from. Reading these stories is an empowering way to learn about the mind, diet, and wisdom. Which can ultimately lead us to better understanding our own bodies.
Check back here for part 3 in the series of IBD book recommendations, coming out February 2024. And to read part one of the series, click here.