Let's Heal IBD

Hello! My name is Kyla, and welcome to Let’s Heal IBD.

I first experienced symptoms of Crohn’s disease in 2010 after an extremely bad salmonella infection.  

My symptoms were largely ignored by doctors at first and I was diagnosed with IBS.  Until 2015 during a particularily bad “IBS flare’ my ankles swelled up 3x their size and I could not walk.  I immediately went to the Dr hoping for an explanation.

My Dr ordered blood tests that showed high levels of inflammation.  Due to my IBS diagnosis my new Dr ordered a Calprotectin test.  

That in combination with a colonoscopy and biopsy led to my Crohn’s disease diagnosis in 2015.

I still remember sitting in the cafe outside the hospital afterwards, wondering how much this diagnosis would affect my life.

I had no idea.

Over the next 9 years I would suffer a lot.  And slowly get worse with each ongoing flare.

I have had 3 abscesses, a complex stage 5 fistula, 6 surgeries, and multiple hospitalizations.  

I have used a combination of medications and diet to try and manage it the best I could.  I could never bring myself to do biologics.  I just always felt that there was a better way for me out there if I just kept searching…

And then another IBD sufferer told me about helminths; intestinal worms for autoimmune disease.

And I have never looked back.  This is the natural medicine that I have been searching for all these long years…

And now I am here to tell you dear friend.  So that no one else has to suffer any longer from inflammatory bowel disease.

I believe in giving power back to the patients.  And in patients taking responsibility for their own health in return.

Afterall, there is nothing more empowering than healing yourself from a chronic, incurable disease.


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