
Let's heal ibd

Using intestinal worms, diet and lifestyle to manage IBD long term

I know first hand how horrible Ibd can be to live with....

But there is an exciting new therapy out there that may help the IBD community!  And by ‘new’ we actually mean ancient.  

Helminths, or microscopic intestinal worms, have coexisted inside the human microbiome for our entire existence… until around the 19th Century that is when something changed.  And autoimmune diseases began to rise.

Some self treaters find that the reintroduction of these safe, intestinal worms improves their IBD symptoms, some to the point where they disappear completely.  And long term remission can be achieved.

My name is Kyla Marie and I have had severe Crohn’s disease since 2010.  My goal has always been to manage my IBD as naturally as possible.

And I have learnt a lot.

Along my healing journey I learnt about helminthic therapy.  And after achieving remission myself with this therapy, I began to wonder; why no one is talking about these magical worms?!  

I am here to put a stop to that; I have made it my mission to tell as many people suffering as I can about helminths.  

And that includes you.

I have created Let’s Heal IBD to help you along your healing journey by sharing my experiences, knowledge, and passion for the natural healing route.

In good health everyone, I hope you find what you’ve been looking for here.


Let's Heal IBD
Lets Heal IBD