Useful Visualizations for IBD

Do you want to know some specific visualizations that may help you manage your IBD symptoms?  I have collected a few visualizations here to share with you, each of these has helped me along my journey.

This is part of a two part series on using visualizations to manage IBD.  To learn about how to use visualizations, and why they work, read part one of the series here. 

In this article we will discuss, in detail, specific visualization that I have found useful.  They include:

Useful visualizations for IBD

  • Healthy intestines visualization
  • Healing angels visualization
  • Healing food visualization

Healthy Intestine Visualization

When To Use It

I often do this when I am about to fall asleep.  Or if I find that my health anxiety is out of control, and I need to distract my mind with something positive.

It is great for creating a healing mindset, over a sick mindset.  As it focuses all of your attention on having a healthy gastrointestinal tract.

It can also be peaceful, and comforting.  Which is why it can be used to help  you fall asleep at night.

How To Do It

I find it helpful to first watch a video that shows what healthy intestines look like.  Click here to watch one on Youtube.   This can help solidify the image that you are trying to create in your mind.  Remember to focus on the details when creating any visualization.

I take a few deep breaths, and begin the visualization at the end of my GI tract (my anus).  I will track along the whole length of my GI tract with my mind.  I follow my GI tract up my colon.  I imagine each turn in my large intestines.  Then into my small intestines, where I visually explore each complex, twist and turn.

I can see exactly how healthy my intestines look, and I take my time exploring them.  I visualize the healthy, light pink colour.  The consistent pattern displayed on the intestinal wall.  And even the healthy, microbial team at work breaking down my food.  And helping keep my body running smoothly.

If I do come across a part of my intestines that looks sore, or damaged.  I imagine the healing angels there doing their work.

Healing Angels Visualization

When To Use It

I have used this visualization when I have something specific that I want to heal.  For example I used it after I got DLPL surgery to heal my fistula.  I imagined beautiful, healing angels repairing the hole in my colon.  They worked one single cell at a time.  I would imagine them laying each cell down carefully by hand, one at a time. 

I have also used it when I have blood in my stool.  I imagine healing angels finding the tear, or cut in my colon, and rubbing healing salves onto the wound. 

How To Do It

Useful visualizations for IBD

I have used this visualization when I have something specific to heal.  I imagine tiny little angels, with small little wings inside my intestines.  They are the most caring, loving creatures, and want to help heal me.  They are caring and loving in the way that a good mother would care and love her child. 

They find the wound, or other issue, and begin their work.  Depending on the situation, they can perform many different tasks.  They can use their small wings to gently cool off an inflamed area.  They can rub healing salves over a wound, or ulceration.  They can even lay down new, healthy cells. 

They can work in groups, or individually.  They often work slowly, but they are consistent and caring.  When using this visualization, try to keep it going for as long as possible.  And return to it often to help with the healing process.

If you find the word angels triggering for any reason, use another entity!  Like a small group of caring, miniature nurses, or miniature yous doing the healing work!  It is your visualization, you can do it however you want.

Healing Food Visualization

When To Use It

I use this visualization just before I am about to eat.  When I sit down to a meal, I start by taking a deep, calming breath.  I want to ensure that I am focused on what I am doing, and not distracted by my phone, TV, or stressful thoughts.

Depending on how I am feeling, I might spend one minute doing this visualization before eating.  The worse I am feeling, the longer I focus on the visualization.

How To Do It

As always, I begin with a deep, focussing breath.  Then I start with a ‘conversation’ with my food and body.  I say,

“This food is healing.  This food is easily, and readily digested and absorbed by my body.  This food is going to help heal me.”

I begin visualizing the food going through the digestive process in my body. Chewing, swallowing, traveling towards my stomach, where the food is greeted by a happy, healthy digestive process.  I imagine my intestine absorbing all of the nutrients in the food.  And even imagine the specific nutrients (such as B vitamins, or iron) being absorbed into my body.  I visualize what those nutrients are going to do within my body.  Such as building muscle, growing new cells, or even repairing my intestines.

I imagine the food being easily absorbed by my body.  I imagine my body loving the food, and being happy to receive it.

Then I eat, with a smile on my face!


Using visualizations to help manage my IBD symptoms has become an important tool in my toolkit.  It has helped me digest food easier.  Calm my anxious mind.  It creates a healing mindset.  And I am sure that it has helped heal my intestines.

Feel free to try any visualization techniques that you feel may help you!  You know your body best, and so you will create the best visualizations for your body.  Remember to focus on the details, and come back to your visualizations often.


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