IBD and Rest


Rest is such an important step in healing your body.  So how do IBD and Rest interact?

If you have IBD, rest is so important for your healing journey.  But is there a proper way to rest?

To learn more about this topic, we will discuss


  • The wrong way to rest


  • Different types of rest


  • Ideas for proper rest


The Wrong Way to Rest


Have you ever spent an afternoon ‘resting’ only to feel tired or lethargic afterwards.  Like the resting that you did, did not make you feel rested?

Well believe it or not, there are right and wrong ways to rest.

Most people rest by canceling plans.  Then spending time watching their favorite TV series. 

But after spending an entire work week in front of a computer screen.  And spending most of your free time looking at your phone.  Is staring at another screen really resting?

Not really.  Screens are more of a distraction, than a restful activity.

Of course, you are physically resting.  But there are many more types of rest other than just physical rest.

How about laying in bed and scrolling through social media to rest?

I would say that this is also not true rest.  While scrolling your mind is doing double time.

Social media encourages us to compare our lives to others.  It makes us have FOMO, and feel bad about our own experiences.

If you use social media to ‘rest’, again you are only getting physical rest.  Not mental, or sensory rest.

In fact, scrolling social media might make you feel more anxious and stressed out than before you started scrollingAnxious and stressed are the opposite of rested.

Multi-tasking is also not true resting.  Say you decide to get a pedicure to rest.  And during the pedicure you chat with the technician, or scroll your phone.  Maybe you even answer emails. 

This is not rest.  In fact, activities like this, may make you feel even more tired than before.

So how can you get proper, healing rest?  And how can you use rest to help heal IBD?


Different Types of Rest

IBD and Rest

It is easy to assume that resting only means physical rest.  But there are other aspects of our lives that can cause us to feel tired, and fatigued throughout the day.

There are many types of rest that may have healing benefits.

Mental rest is very important.  Throughout our day, we are constantly bombarded by mental strain.  Constant decision making, and multi-tasking.

Taking mental rest may be even more beneficial than physical resting for some people.  Taking time out of your day to mentally rest every single day is very important. 

If you are feeling mentally overwhelmed, try using a calming mantra.  Such as

“I am safe, I am healing, I am loved.”  Repeat this to yourself a few times.  Focusing only on the words that you are saying.

Or take a few moments to focus on your breath.  Focusing on the breath will help ground you, and connect you to the present moment.

Another type of rest that you may need is sensory rest.  This is a big one for me.  If you live in a loud area, or find your family to be loud.  Try taking a break from the constant noise.

Put on some noise canceling headphones.  And listen to some peaceful music.  Or just listen to silence.

You may find that you need a sensory break from constant screen use.  The bright light.  The short videos meant to keep you scrolling.  And the disconnect from real life, and real relationships can be a huge strain. 

Put your screens away.  Set aside at least an hour every single day where you and your loved ones connect in real life.  With no screens present.

Make sure that you are not using screens just before bed time.  Give your eyes, neck, and shoulders a rest from constantly looking at a screen.

If you have a very social job.  You may find that you need time to take social rest.  Especially if you do not have an endless social battery (like me).

My job is in tourism, and is very social.  I find it exhausting to talk to multiple different people every single day.  I do not naturally have the social battery for it.

For this reason, I do not usually socialize right after work.  I need time to get social rest, and decompress from my day.

If this is the case for you.  Prioritize quiet time with yourself.  Or a select few people who do not drain you.  Give your social battery time and space to recharge.


Ideas for Healing Rest


So with screen time out of the question, what can you do to ensure that you are getting proper rest?

One of the best way to rest, is to improve your sleep schedule.

If you feel constantly tired. Ensuring that you are getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep, every single night could reduce your fatigue levels.

Sleep for an extra 30 minutes.  Make sure you are going to bed at a reasonable hour, (say between 9pm-11pm).

Make sure that your sleep schedule is aligned with the natural rhythm of planet earth.  We are meant to be awake when it is daylight.  And asleep when it is dark out.  With modifications made for areas of the world that are affected by extra long day and night times.

Reading a great, non stressful book is a great way to switch off and rest.  A great book can take you away from everyday life, and transport you into a fantasy world.

Enjoying a leisurely walk in nature can also be relaxing.  Although this is not necessarily physical rest.  This can provide mental, sensory, and social rest.  Switching off your mental chatter, and focusing on mother nature.  Has huge healing benefits.

IBD and Rest

Taking ‘mini-rests’ throughout the day can also be helpful.  If you find that you are feeling stressed out, or overwhelmed.  Take a minute.  Take three slow, deep breaths in and out.  Only focus on your breathing while doing this.

Using meditation can be a very restful activity.  With practice, meditation allows you to clear your mind entirely.  In fact, true meditation might be the most restful activity you can do.

Yoga can also be a restful activity.  Try doing a gentle yin yoga class.  The mindfulness, and stretching involved in a real yoga class.  Will encourage you to connect with your body.  And clear your mind.


Finding ways to truly rest, that work for you is so important in your healing journey. 

Looking at a screen is not usually real rest.  Screens are a distracting meant to suck us in, and compare our lives to others.  And often increase stress, anxiety and even depression.

It is also important to focus on the different types of rest, not just on physical rest.  These include social rest, sensory rest, and mental rest.

And remember that resting is not a task you can multi-task.  True resting is an activity that takes your whole attention.

I find that deep breaths, meditation, yoga and sleeping to be very restful activities.


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