Supplements for Crohn’s Disease that I Currently Take

There are many supplements available that may help you manage IBD.  Some are powerful anti-inflammatories, and some that help heal the intestinal lining.  I will explain the supplements that I am taking currently that help me manage my IBD. 

Three are currently 6 supplements for Crohn’s disease that I take on a daily basis to help heal my body.

These include:

  • One nutritional shake
  • Curcumin
  • Probiotic
  • L-Glutamine
  • Bentonite clay
  • Zinc

Most of these supplements were recommended to me by a naturopath. I recommend seeing a naturopath who can help you find supplements that help your specific needs.

I will explain in detail:

  • Why I take each of these supplements
  • How long I have been taking them for
  • How I take them
  • How much longer I plan to take them
  • Which specific brand I take, (if applicable)


Nutritional Shakes

I use the brand Elemental Gold (also called Absorb Plus) nutritional shakes. I take this for its high levels of easily absorbable nutrition. One serving contains over 26 vitamins and minerals. Over 10 of these nutrients are at levels of 50% or higher of our daily recommended intake.

Absorb Plus requires very little digestion. It is easily absorbed into the body’s blood stream. I has helped me maintain my body weight as it has 350 calories per serving. Or around 500 calories when adding the recommended fat source (I use flax seed oil).

Supplements for Crohn's
Absorb Plus Nutritional Shake

It also tastes great!

I plan to take Absorb Plus until I feel that I am able to eat and absorb enough calories each day to maintain my weight. Hopefully, that will be within the next six months.

I will always keep some Absorb Plus on hand because it is so useful for managing IBD. It can be used when travelling, for a quick snack, or to add extra calories and nutrition to your day.

I currently drink one shake per day at around 10am with extra l-glutamine and zinc added in.




Curcumin is the active substance in turmeric. I take curcumin for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

I believe this to be one of the most beneficial supplements for Crohn’s disease.

You can also add turmeric powder or the fresh root into your cooking as well. IBD-AID recommends eating it as often as possible!

If you are going to eat it as a food source, be sure to also eat it with a source of fat, and black pepper. Both of these help with the absorption of turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties.

There is no doubt that getting curcumin from its natural source is the best way.  Afterall, this is how nature intended us to take it.  But, there are also some benefits of taking it in pill form.

Some of these benefits include:

Supplements for Crohn's Disease
Turmeric is a great, natural anti-inflammatory
  • In pill form it has been specifically designed to be easily absorbed into the body. 
  • Taking the pill form is a good way to guarantee that you are taking medicinally, high levels of the spice.
  • Turmeric root and powder also has a strong taste that many might find to be unenjoyable. The taste may prevent you from eating large amounts of turmeric. If this is the case, undoubtedly the pill form will be better suited for you.

I currently take two to three pills of 500mg each day. I take it with water, with or without food. I will most likely take turmeric pills for the rest of my life. They are not expensive, easy to take, and help me stay on track.

I currently take Doctors Best Turmeric from Gould’s Pharmacy in Tasmania. The most important thing when selecting a turmeric pill is to ensure high bioavailability. This will ensure that your body is able to absorb the most healing properties from the pill.

Caution if taking curcumin:  it can have a blood thinning effects, and slow the process of blood clotting.  I have found that if I am having intestinal bleeding.  Taking curcumin may have made the blood worse.  Not everyone may experience this.


Probiotics are the microorganisms normally present in the human gut. They are also called ‘gut flora’. They are essential in maintaining normal gastrointestinal function.

IBD research has shown that IBD may be caused by an imbalance in these gut flora. This means an overgrowth of bad, pathogenic bacteria, and too few good bacteria.

All fermented foods, that have not been otherwise processed or treated, contain probiotics. The probiotics in these foods have beneficial effects on the GI tract.

Supplements for Crohn's Disease
Sauerkraut Contains Probiotics

It has been found that to help manage a serious disease like IBD, the body requires very high levels of probiotics.

This level of probiotics might be difficult to get through normal food sources. Especially when experiencing a flare, when eating high quantities of food is difficult.

This does not mean do not bother eating probiotic foods. In fact, IBD-AID recommends eating 3+ probiotic foods per day. It does mean, however, that you may need to take a probiotic pill in addition to eating probiotic foods.

I currently take two pills of probiotics each day. It is best to take them on an empty stomach, to help with the absorption. I take mine when I first get up, before I have had breakfast.  And the second one last thing I do at night before I go to bed.

After one year of being in remission, I plan to go down to taking only one probiotic per day. I will probably continue taking probiotics for the rest of my life. 

I currently take a probiotic called Gut Bio created by a specialized clinic in Pune, India. I have also taken Natren Probiotics Healthy Trinity  and seen positive results.

There is some research that suggests that oral probiotics, do not colonize your gut permanently.  This does not mean that they do not provide benefit though.  I just means that if you want to use them to populate your gut, you may have to take them forever.  


Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human body. It is considered a ‘conditionally essential’ amino acid. This means that a normal, healthy body is able to produce enough glutamine for its own needs.

If the body is in a declined health state, the body produces reduced amounts of glutamine. An IBD flare may cause this declined state.

The intestines use about 30% of the total glutamine in the body. Glutamines function in the intestine includes:

  • Intestinal barrier function
  • Modulation of inflammation
  • Regulating stress responses (source).

This indicates that glutamine is a key nutrient for the overall health of the intestine.

I plan to take glutamine until my inflammatory markers are within the normal range, for one full year. This way I can ensure that my body is able to produce all of the glutamine that it needs. I currently take 1tsp twice a day with water, with or without food. There is also some glutamine in the Absorb Plus shake I drink every day.


Bentonite Clay

I have only recently started to take bentonite clay. It is not as well researched as the other supplements taken here in regards to the benefit for IBD.

I began taking this clay because my only persistent symptom of IBD is occasional diarrhea, and loose stools. Bentonite Clay has long been considered a treatment for diarrhea. It has also been shown to be helpful with IBS related symptoms.

It also has detoxifying properties. Bentonite clay has metallic properties. Because of this it has been shown to remove some negatively charged toxins and metals from the body.

This includes some molds affecting the liver. As well as pesticides found in our environment, and aflatoxin toxicity.


Zinc helps with many key physical processes in the body related to IBD. This includes tissue repair, and wound healing.

supplements for Crohn's
Supplements for Crohn’s Disease

It has been estimated that up to 40% of people with IBD suffer from zinc deficiency. A zinc deficiency can contribute to intestinal inflammation and a weakened gut barrier (source).

I plan to take zinc supplements until my inflammatory markers show that I am in full remission. Then I will rely on food sources to supply my body with enough zinc. Currently, I take one zinc tablet once a day, in my Absorb Plus shake. There is also additional zinc in the Absorb Plus shake.



As you can see I take a wide variety of supplements to help me manage my IBD. I am already seeing the results of these supplements, which compliment the diet and lifestyle measures I use as well. I know that these supplements for Crohn’s disease have played an integral role in helping me to manage, and reduce my symptoms.

To find our which supplements may be beneficial to you, see a naturopath who has knowledge of IBD.



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